Our Startups

Levent Ofis Startups


Levent Ofis Technology is a technology brand that is brought to life to find solutions for your company’s digital needs with its experienced team of professionals developing digital marketing and search engine optimization (SEO) strategies for your brand.


Avantajpaylaş is a site that more than 300 brands partake. It offers you the latest collections of the most prestigious brands, personal care products, books, natural products and it allows you to make your payments in a safe and fast way, also you will finalize your purchase with cash profit.


Icerikler.com adds value to your brand by making you and your site more visible with SEO consulting and SEO-based content production services for your various content marketing needs.


Numaratasima.com is a free website that makes it much easier for you to get more affordable services by helping you move internet, phone, adsl and fiber operator tariffs to another operator, or, allows you to get a brand new subsciption easily.

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